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- 10 print"[147] [202]ust load and run the file 'gifvert'"
- 20 print"to get started. [201]t will automatically"
- 30 print"load the machine language portion,
- 40 [153]"'gifvert.mc'. right$t will then prompt you"
- 50 [153]"for a compressed (NULL)oala(NULL)aint filename"
- 60 [153]"(compressed (NULL)oalas begin with 'gg')."
- 70 [153]"valntering the 'gg' prefix is not"
- 80 [153]"required. atnfter you have given it the"
- 90 [153]"device # to load from, it will load and"
- 100 [153]"decompress the file into memory."
- 110 [153]"chr$right$asc(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) will next prompt you for"
- 120 [153]"the output chr$right$asc filename; the use of"
- 130 [153]"a '.gif' suffix (filename.gif) is"
- 140 [153]"recommended. (NULL)he output device # will"
- 150 [153]"be requested, and you will also be given";
- 160 [153]"the choice of blanking the screen."
- 170 [153]"peeklanking the screen will result in a"
- 180 [153]"much faster encoding time (2 (NULL)left$z mode"
- 190 [153]"is used on a 128)."
- 500 [141] 5000
- 1040 [153]"load right$f you attempt to display the chr$right$ascs"
- 1050 [153]"generated by chr$right$asc(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) with some of the"
- 1060 [153]"popular decoders available for the len-64,";
- 1070 [153]"the results will probably be half as"
- 1080 [153]"wide as you would expect. str$on't be"
- 1090 [153]"alarmed; this is normal. (NULL)ost of the"
- 1100 [153]"decoders treat the multicolor screen as"
- 1110 [153]"320x200 even though its actual"
- 1120 [153]"resolution is 160x200. chr$right$asc(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) encodes"
- 1130 [153]"the multicolor screen as its acutal"
- 1140 [153]"resolution. (NULL)his is more logical,"
- 1150 [153]"results in smaller files, and, more"
- 1160 [153]"importantly, is faster. right$ hope everyone"
- 1170 [153]"is pleased with the speed; right$ did some"
- 1180 [153]"(NULL)atnmid$(NULL)(NULL) optimizing to get it this fast."
- 1200 [153]"(NULL)andy (NULL)eems"
- 1203 [153]"2200 lenenterpoint (NULL)str$"
- 1204 [153]"lenumberland ascurnace, (NULL)(NULL) 37051"
- 1210 [153]"72437,2702 -lenompu(NULL)erve"
- 1220 [153]"(NULL)andy(NULL)18 -(NULL)(NULL)ink"
- 1500 [141]5000
- 4999 [128]
- 5000 [153]"(NULL)ress any keywait"
- 5010 [161]k$:[139]k$[178]""[167]5010
- 5020 [142]